No mater how well you think you can explain tube feeding, or a button to a lay person they always seem surprised when they see it. "Oh", many will say, "it actually goes right into her stomach?" Or something equally profound. Same with Makenna's feet. Her toes have looked like this since birth. I kept hoping she would grow and the feet would morph into something more normal. So she will probably never be a shoe model. Since this has turned in to anomalies 101 I want to add the uneven shoulders are ever present...scoliosis. A view from her back would show a large muscle/bone mass on her right side and a "skinny" left side. Her legs are uneven too (I tailor all her pants and never get them correct). But yeah, she sits great. She does not get in the sitting position by herself but she used to get herself out of this sitting position. It was never graceful and she won't do it anymore. Enough head bumps? Or more loss of ability to turn and put a hand back to help support/lower herself? She will sit until tired of it and throw a fit now to be allowed to roll. I suspect a lot of it is "learned helplessness" a document I will put on the website in the future. But I take most of the blame for that.
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