I have been on an extensive Internet search for 4.5 years. When a doctor would speculate on say Noonan Syndrome I would search the heck out of it. Down to following links to CarePages, blogs, family photo albums. And what I observed was "Ken and Barbie" (beautiful, young couple) would have a kid with a disability and over the course of 3-6 years of family photos the parents would look like they aged 10-20 years. REALLY! I am sure it is happening to me. But I was never a "Ken doll" type so I really don't care. But I haven't shared any good recent pictures of myself. So I owe some people that.

This was me a few years years ago. A couple years before this photo Makenna was born. Back then I only had 5 or 6 grey hairs. But 8 years ago, before I got married I didn't have ANY grey hair! So I don't know what to blame this premature aging on really? Now my mustache looks thin, especially in this photo, because it has turned to silver, mostly. And my chin looks huge as my cheeks suck in....
Nooooooo, Is this last picture really you?? It looks like someone
different. An American politician or.... lol.
I'm glad that i still have all my hair. Except for the moustache!
Not even one grey hair! Honest!!(knock on wood)
Anyway thanks for sharing these pics!
Daniƫlle {{{HUGS}}}
The other guy is Ron Howard, actor, director. Played Opie Taylor on the Andy Griffin Show in the 60's & Seventies. He is about 9years older than I am. But I do know what I will look like eventually? Clyde
Hi Clyde,
In the 60's i wasn't born yet!! In the 70's i was wearing diapers and couldn't understand a word English.
But i believe that i remember him from the repetitions from Happy Days. How many disabled kids does he have?? Wow he did age very fast!!!
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