Sheri and I have hopes for Makenna that seem more realistic now. We are wary because we have been burned before. But we each hang on to threads that we often never share, even with each other. I have permission to share a news article about a girl in England who "just started talking". Catherine is still undiagnosed. But Pierpont Syndrome is now being considered. Isabel (mom) is part of our Pierpont family. Isabel has shared a lot of Catherine's medical history with me. Catherine is family! I guess when I read this my belief Makenna could some day talk went thru the roof. We are still waiting.... But I accept this as the first hope I have ever accepted on the talking issue. Please read: And if you didn't like the article that's ok, you just can't relate. My goal was to get some more photos on this website. And the photo of Catherine is wonderful....She is adorable! But her, "look out world" quality is special!! You can guess what mom is going through. And that is how Makenna often looks. I do dread learning all that 'Kenna knows, yet I hope for that.
Other things that matter: Contact with the outside world! The first two friends are still here and the new friends are adding a lot of excitement to the journey.
Daniëlle has given permission for me to include a picture of Puk. I wanted one where she was wearing glasses so she sent me one to include.

How can you look at this cutie and not smile? And her mom has been so encouraging, to me, I hope someday, somehow, to repay the favor. Puk's pictures were the first of ANY kid on the web, about Makenna's age, wearing glasses I ever saw. I guess it made me feel better because in the whole State of Nebraska you would have thought Makenna was the only little kid on the planet with them. But I bet Daan handled the stares and outright stupid questions better than I did?
No! Really! 'Kenna and I would be in the waiting room of the "premier"pediatric ophthalmologist in Omaha, and parents of kids her age would be staring! (Maybe not staring but "side ways glancing".) And I would think, "well, what are YOU doing here, then? Just bored and this seemed like a cool place to be seen showing off your kid? Or maybe hoping your kid doesn't catch something from my kid in this waiting room?" Anyway....
Daan also offered me a choice of pictures from her site, so I stole one. A little older Puk, close up. Puk's big beautiful eyes and other kids big eyes, mostly neuro-typical kids, just captivate me!

I wish Makenna would allow a good photo to be taken. You get a camera this close to her and all you see is "eye rubbing" or closed eyes. So she knows what a camera is and she HATES them. I wanted to get some new photos of a cute kid on the blog. So I cheated. I stole some! This blog isn't only about Makenna or Pierpont Syndrome, anyway.... It is about my search for other parents who have kids that are One out of Millions!
Thanks Isabel!
Daniëlle, if you don't like my choices let me know, I would be happy to let you choose and I will make those changes here.
Hi clyde
What a cute girl is Catherine!! She has the same smile as Puk!
Puk got her glasses when she was 9 months old. You're right Clyde, the staring and the stupid comments never made me feel annoyed. I can imagian that people are astonished (and touched)! Just like i was, when the Dr. said that Puk needed glasses. I wish that you were my neighbours and that you and Sheri were able to talk Dutch. I'll bet that we could talk for hours about these kind of subjects involving our special kids!
We're honered that you've added 2 photo's of Puk on your weblog. Good choise that second pic. Don't change it!
Thank you for the kind words about Puk. I would love to see more pics or video's from Makenna. Can;t get enough of her!
{{HUGS}} Daniëlle
Thanks Daan,
I appreciate you approving of the photo. It was my second choice. If I do somthing for dad's near fathers day you have to talk Mark into letting me put a photo of him on my site. I want to put more photos of Makenna on but REALLY they are all bad! (according to Sheri). That onery smile is priceless until you figure out why you just saw it. Clyde
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