Want to get a photo up showing who this post is about. And explain the name. Makenna has always been way below the 5th percentile on the growth charts. We never call her "Little Mak" ourselves but when Sheri's sister was visiting she constantly was, we thought it was a pretty cute nickname from her aunt. (We live near Lake McConaughy which is usually referred to as "Big Mac"). And one of Makenna's many labels/symptoms was Primordial Short Stature. Ultimately I believe she will become a very large, little person. We got another growth spurt last month. She is about 35" tall now, and on the chart, (but the chart I have ends at 36 months) ayway on the chart, YEA Makenna! The "one out of millions" comes from my expectation when/if we got a diagnosis it would probably be one in the 1/300,000 birth range or even 1/500K range. Hopefully with some sort of parent support group in place and some common knowledge among the medical community. NOPE. No one knows how many already diagnosed Pierpont children there are, or if some one does they aren't saying. And I know the number has to be below 50 world wide. So one Pierpont birth for millions of births is fair. Looking back, hanging out in the "undiagnosed community" did have some sense of being wrapped in a, albeit small, blanket of comfort. But I don't want to get too dreary today, so enough of that. Here is a photo of my favorite project. She has guaranteed me steady work for the rest of my life. Unfortunately the monetary pay is substandard, but the work is more fun than carpentry work. Clyde
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