I now know the fun of dressing a kid for halloween. But it was my first time and it was fun, kinda. (The first 4 years were a "Bumble Bee" costume given to us by a good friend, thanks Kim. It was very cute, and easy, I am sure I will miss that). Anyway, Kidz Construction Preschool and Learning Center decided to do a halloween program instead of a Christmas program. It was a hit, lots of people showed up and the kids were having a lot of fun. Sheri found this great idea somewhere for Makennas costume and fortunately I had all the stuff laying around. I spent some time washing 8 years of "attic dust" off of it, but that was ok, and it was snowing on me as I had it spread on the lawn to clean it.
For people who "know" Makenna it was a popular costume. For those in the audience who don't know Makenna I suspect they didn't get it. Look at the photo a while...do you get it?
A skiier with a broken leg! Sheri really did us proud! I thought it was hilarious!!
I have to introduce a new person here. I have never given credit to Chauncie on my blog. But I finally got a photo of the two of them, in which Makenna looks happy enough, to publish. Chauncie works for the Educational Service Unit who works for the local school district and spends three days a week at preschool with Makenna. We really appreciate all Chauncie does for 'Kenna (and we don't tell her enough). And I know Chauncie has really been instrumental in Makenna's development. So thank you Chauncie! And Chauncie has made it to everyone of Makenna's "programs" the last three years....Taking time away from her family and her evenings to be there for Makenna. She is awesome!
Okay one more photo:
And one that Sharon J. took of about half the kids on the stage. (My group shots didn't turn out very good. I was too far away, too short and using and using a cheap camera. But I am used to all of that!)
Thanks Sharon. She also got some good photos of just Makenna that she shared too.

I think Sharon got the best picture of Makenna overall. So I will post that also. The difference is I use a large format so if you really want to look close you can....more medical than photographic, I suppose.
The Photo I like best is:
This one. Kinda laid back thinking, "all these people are here for me?...well of course they are! I'm here, they are here, so it must be about ME and my broken leg...!

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